Your Home Exercise Program
Level 3
Our Flagship Exercises
Continue with your flagship exercises as in level 2. If instructed by your therapist now add Exercise #4
Exercise #1 The Tail Bone Raise
Exercise #2 Lumbar Rotation
Exercise #3 The Hula
Exercise #4 Standing Functional Core Strengthening
Deep Core Stabilization Progression
Knee Circles
Re-Establishing Lumbar-Pelvic Synergy
You can continue with level 2 and now add to level 3
Deep Core Stabilization:
Deep Core Strengthening:
Deep Fascial Active Release Technique
Release technique for the deep myo-fascial bands of the back and lower extremity. Most do not understand that we have superficial and deep myofascial bands and tracts, and most stretches focus only on the superficial myofascial tracts. This exercise will instruct you on how to release the deep bands that if restricted will cause restrictions in the LB causing movement dysfunctions leading to pain. |
Stretching is very important, but you may be stretching incorrectly. Watch this next video and learn how to effectively stretch the Hamstrings, Piriformis, and Hip Flexor and avoid common stretching errors. |
Perform the following stretches as indicated by your Therapist.
Dynamic Hamstring Stretch |
Hip Flexor Stretch |
Adductor Stretch |
Nerve Flossing Tecnhique
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